

A unique opportunity to learn and utilize our top-tier virtual production and real-time motion graphics tools.

Use the Zero Density unified ecosystem at no cost.


A unique opportunity to learn and utilize our top-tier virtual production and real-time motion graphics tools.
Use the Zero Density unified ecosystem at no cost.

A new initiative by Zero Density to provide access at no cost to the entire software stack of the Zero Density’s graphics ecosystem, including Reality5, Lino, Reality Hub, and the Traxis Hub.
Companies with a revenue below 1 million dollars like independent creators, small businesses, academic users, and more, will be eligible to use the software at no cost.
By offering this program, Zero Density aims to close the talent gap in the industry, ensuring more professionals are trained on our software. Additionally, the expanded user base will provide valuable feedback and user-driven innovations that will help us improve our platforms and products more rapidly.
For specific camera tracking, talent tracking and render hardware paid upgrades are available as part of the program.
Groundbreaking initiative
A new initiative by Zero Density to provide access at no cost to the entire software stack of the Zero Density’s graphics ecosystem, including Reality5, Lino, Reality Hub, and the Traxis Hub.
Companies with a revenue below 1 million dollars like independent creators, small businesses, academic users, and more, will be eligible to use the software at no cost.
Closing the talent gap
By offering this program, Zero Density aims to close the talent gap in the industry, ensuring more professionals are trained on our software. Additionally, the expanded user base will provide valuable feedback and user-driven innovations that will help us improve our platforms and products more rapidly.
Optional hardware
For specific camera tracking, talent tracking and render hardware paid upgrades are available as part of the program.




  •  Access to advanced and high end virtual production and real-time motion graphics tools.
  •  Opportunity to contribute to platform innovation and product improvements.


  •  Access to an expanded talent pool.
  •  Accelerated software improvements driven by broader, diverse and timely feedback.
  •  User-driven innovations.
  •  Zero Density’s Discord channels offer enormous value by creating a global user group where users can share feedback, tips, and ideas. 

Register from here

* Due to the high volume of applications, our follow-up might take a little. Thank you for your patience!


What is the Open Studio License Program?

The Open Studio License Program is a unique initiative by Zero Density. With this program, independent creators, small businesses, and academic users can access to the entire software stack of the Zero Density’s software ecosystem at no cost. The program aims to expand the user base of Zero Density’s innovative platforms, including Reality5, Lino, Reality Hub, and the Traxis Hub. By doing so, Zero Density enriches the ecosystem with more skilled professionals.

What is included in the program?

The program is a unique offering that provides full access to all licenses of Zero Density’s software ecosystem, including Reality5, Lino, Reality Hub, and the Traxis Hub. These tools facilitate the creation of virtual studios, augmented reality (AR), extended reality (XR), on-air graphics, and video wall graphics, all integrated into an end-to-end real-time graphics workflow.

Who is eligible for the Open Studio License Program?

Any entity with annual revenues under $1 million (measured at the highest consolidated holding entity level for the group of underlying entities) is eligible for the license at no cost. This includes independent creators, small businesses, academic institutions, and students. If a user’s revenue exceeds $1 million, they will be required to transition to a paid license. Revenue includes government funding and third-party funding. Academic users must provide accreditation from a recognized academic institution in their country or establishment. The full eligibility is described in the EULA.

Why is Zero Density offering this program?

Zero Density is committed to growing its user base and enhancing its platforms through broader industry engagement. By offering this program, we aim to close the talent gap in the industry, ensuring more professionals are trained on our software. Additionally, the expanded user base will provide valuable feedback that will help us improve our products more rapidly.

How does this program benefit current paid license users?

The program benefits current paid license users in several ways:

  • Expanded Talent Pool: With more users gaining experience with our software, the pool of skilled professionals available to our clients will grow.
  • Enhanced Software: The increased number of users will contribute to more diverse and timely feedback, allowing us to refine and improve our platform faster, benefiting all users.
  • User-Driven Innovation: Third-party developers will create new functionalities and innovations that can benefit the entire Zero Density user base, including those on paid licenses.

How does the transition to paid licensing work?

If a user’s revenue exceeds the $1 million threshold, they will be required to transition to a paid license. We will work closely with those users to ensure a smooth transition and to provide the necessary support during this process.

What will happen with the community edition of Zero Density?

The free Reality Community Edition is dead. Due to changes in the Unreal EULA, we are unable to continue offering it. Instead, we have introduced the Open Studio License Program, which provides access to all Zero Density software at no cost, aimed at growing the user base and developing the talent of the future.